ANNOUNCEMENT: slashdot acquires

Posted by scaredpoet on Friday April 1 @ 6:12 am Edit This

scaredpoet writes: In a surprise move, slashdot purchases the assets, content and distribution rights of for an undisclosed sum, and officially relaunches the site as The purchase was a bid to end the total mediocrity in writing and blogging content coming from the site. Apparently the website was giving the blogosphere a bad name with poor writing, late reporting, whenever-we-feel-like-it updating, and the scary thing was, a devoted base of people were actually reading the site!! The slashdot folks were worried that the term slashdotted might give way to “the scaredpoet effect,” where only a very mild number of visitors would come to your site, and referral traffic would would be, well, quite disappointing, really.

4 Responses to “ANNOUNCEMENT: slashdot acquires”

  1. l33b0y909090 Says:

    OMG FIRST LOLOLOLOLO!!!!111oneoneone

  2. annoyingcommeter2005 Says:

    Good riddance to bad rubbish! It’s about time that self-aggrandized morons like get forced off the precious blogopshere. When will these mediocre bloggers learn that there is no place for them on the net?

  3. jadedsoul96 Says:

    scaredpoet is a SELLOUT?! WTF?!?!?!?

  4. Scared Poet Says:

    April Fool’s, muthafuckas!

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