Gmail Fails and the World Has a Stompy Fit
February 24th, 2009 by scaredpoet

So, Gmail had a little oopsie early this morning, and was down for about 2 and a half hours. Despite the obligatory mea culpa (which actually sounds sincere, kinda), this has caused a bunch of businesses and hipsters the world over to have coniption fits.

The freak-outs included Creepy McClatchen here, who felt he could deliver the news oh-so-well via CNN’s troll-central, iReport:

Apparently, major businesses and corporations are relying on Gmail for their super-important business dealings and commerce-level communications. This even though the service is still in beta, which generally implies a certain level of non-reliability and uncertainty. I guess “in this economy” (A phrase I despise, and will write about later), the IT departments of major business concerns – assuming they still have IT departments to speak of – feel it’s worth it to cut costs and rely on Google to provide E-mail and Application support. Who knew?

Even silly little blogs and mom and pop companies I know of and have offered advice to rely on much more reliable services to provide their e-mail. Yes, they cost some money, but not that much. Especially considering the bogus “lost productivity” figures some people are caulating as a result of this two hour glitch. It seems that “in this economy,” the vogue these days is for people to calculate wildly outrageous monetary figures and apply them as losses, as if anyone will give a damn. Hey, if the government can do it, why can’t we, right? Case in point: this little righteous missive

“Let’s count the cost: 25m users, 33% affected; average of $50 per hour lost productivity = $415m per hour economic cost…”

… and this will increase to full 113 million users as USA starts its’ day…… so looking at $2 billion per hour.

You know, I’m an important guy where I work, but if my e-mail were to go down for a couple hours, it wouldn’t cost the company I work for $100. Fact is, being as knowledgeable as I am, I have backup methods of communicating. Like, my cell phone for instance. Or another e-mail service. Or, maybe, just maybe I’d take a break from my e-mail and do actual work during a such an outage. What a novel idea for these hard economic times!

So, relax people. Having to take an extended coffee break because you can’t pretend to look busy poring over your spam isn’t going to collapse the economy any further. Really, it isn’t. And if it really caused you such horrid economic distress, maybe you can hit Google up for a refund of the money you paid in. That’ll stick it to The Man, won’t it?

Or, maybe you could stop relying on a Beta service, if your e-mail is really that life-and-death. There are plenty of pay e-mail services out there who’d love to have your business and can promise you some real uptime metrics and top reliability. But if you won’t pay for the performance, then you should quit your whining. Put up or shut up!

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