Bush-connected companies appear to be getting first-crack at reconstruction contracts in the Gulf Area in the Hurricane Katrina recovery effort. Gee, what a surprise!
Oh, and two thirds of the US population thinks the country is headed in the wrong direction, and Bush’s approval rating is at 39%, an all-time low.
So now I must ask…
SCREW YOU ALL. You voted him back in after four years of knowing and seeing all the low-ball, slimy bullshit this administration pulled, and now you’re bitching about it? Well, you’ve got three more years of him, America. And guess what? YOU DESERVE IT.
So, uh-uh! None of this “the country is headed in the wrong direction” bollocks. This is the direction YOU chose, America!
Gas prices too high? Oh, boo-hoo! Gas prices were high during the election too. What the FUCK did you people do about it then?! YOU IGNORED IT, that’s what you did. So, ignore $3.19 a gallon at the pumps, bitches, while you fill up your goddamned Hummers, because this is what you wanted.
Dear Louisiana: as you sit in ruin, festering in toxic filth, and complain about how Bush’s cronies at FEMA have wronged you, remember one thing: you were a red state. What good has it done you? Are you better off now than you were four years ago? Hmm?
I am sick and tired of being sick and tired of listening to people moan and complain about the state of the country, when not ten months ago, they had a chance to alter our course, and instead did nothing. America, you have no one to blame but yourselves.
So I had BETTER see 100-fucking-percent approval ratings. We better be so goddamned happy with the way the economy is, that we’re pissing our pants because we can barely contain our orgasmic fucking joy. I wanna see people DANCING IN THE GODDAMNED STREETS when gas hits $4.00 a gallon.
Dance, America, DANCE!
And if not, then I sure as hell hope that people don’t get fucking amnesia again the next time they find themselves at the polling station. Because I’ve had it with you all.