Yeah, I know. It’s 2008. I’m still slogging through the photos taken during my 2007 photo trips. What can I say? Digital Cameras and big memory cards equals taking lots and lots of pictures. Multiple gigabytes worth, in fact. Of course that means there’s a lot of crap to sort through and remove, hence the lengthy period involved in getting them online.
Anyway! Toronto, June 2007. Ahhh what a memorable trip that was. My main reason for going was to attend the Joint Technical Symposium for Audiovisual Archivists. It was an extremely informative conference, actually, and I gleaned a lot of info.
However, there was a funny thing about the timing of the event. It took place immediately after Pride Week in Toronto, and clearly not everyone got the memo that Pride Week was over. Combine this with the fact that the conference hotel was situated in Toronto’s Gay Mecca, and conference-goers had to wade through the center of Yonge Street to get to a number of conference events, the die was cast for a week of hijinks and hilarity.
Picture if you will, a bunch of moving image archivists. Some are a bunch of curmudgeonly old salts; having been in the business for decades and who take their jobs (and life itself) very seriously. Then there were the young’uns, like myself.
Now picture, those same crusty old salts colliding with post-Pride-Week Toronto. Hilarity ensued amongst us young’uns as exclamations were heard like:
“Hey, that’s not the Canadian Flag!“
“Why are those two young men holding hands?!”
“Open till 4 am? What could they possibly be doing in that business so late?!”
“What’s that boy doing wearing buttshorts out in public?!”
Now, when you hear stuff like that, and you happen to carry a camera around with you on every trip you go, is it wrong to take photos of the madness? I didn’t think so.
I’ll be adding captions as time permits. In the meantime, enjoy the randomness…
Click the “more” link to view photos: