How did THAT happen?
June 17th, 2008 by scaredpoet

No doubt about it: New York local TV news just plain sucks. The production is ridiculous, the content is lacking, the motivation is all about scaring people into watching the upcoming story and “staying tuned…” and then there’s gems like this one.

(Note: the zingers start up around 55 seconds into the clip, but if you’re really interested in the dramatic life of New York slumlords and tenants, by all means, watch the whole thing…)

This isn’t quite the bombshell that Sue Simmons dropped just a couple weeks back, but it’s still damned entertaining watching two old salts verbally duke it out on live TV. 🙂

One Response  
  • crocto writes:
    June 26th, 2008 at 12:15 pm

    the only way to settle this is the way all old people settle everything. a trip to AC, drinking the most prune juice, wearing their pants the highest and of course shuffleboard!

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